
Fastest land mammal in North America!

A small population of pronghorn live in Yellowstone's Northern Range, preferring the open grassland of the Lamar Valley. Pronghorn evolved to outrun a now-extinct cheetah, so healthy adults are very hard for today's predators to catch. Wolves know there are many easier meals to be had.

Newborn fawns hidden in the grass, however, provide meals to many predators in late spring and early summer. Once fawns can keep up with their mothers, predators once again look for more attainable prey.

Pronghorn live in small family groups for protection. If they spot a threat with their large eyes, they flare the white fur on their rumps to signal danger to others. Like other ungulates, they also have sharp hooves which can deal damage to unwitting wolves.

Pronghorn are a rare menu item for wolves because of their speed and agility.

Quick Facts

Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)

Pronghorn are sometimes called antelope because they remind people of antelope of Africa. Although they have horns (the males' horns are larger and pronged), they shed their horn sheath and grow new horns each year. They live in small groups, the make-up varying with the seasons.

SIZE: Bucks typicialy weigh 40–65 kg (88–143 lb) and does are 34–48 kg (75–106 lb).

TOP SPEED: Pronghorn can run for sprints of up to 88 kph (55 mph).

DIET: Herbivores (eat plants): sagebrush and other shrubs, forbs, some grasses.

Pronghorn in WolfQuest

Pronghorn groups are found throughout the game in grasslands.

Adult pronghorn only fall prey to very clever wolves. If you corner one, watch out for sharp hooves and horns.

Hiding newborns in late spring and early summer can provide a light snack for a lucky wolf or carried back to pups. Keep an eye out for protective mothers.